The most popular wigs in the world are closure wigs, which are available in a wide variety. Closure wigs are available in single colors or several colors, tightest curls or straightest. However, have you ever questioned why closure wigs are referred to as “lifesavers”? They not only have a fantastic appearance but also safeguard your natural hair!
It may appear tough to wear, but the 613 closure wig is not. If you’re thinking about purchasing closure wigs or have already purchased some, you shouldn’t worry about the installation process. You may quickly and simply wear closure wigs by following these four steps!

Removal the excess lace that you do not need.
You’ll see lace dangling from your forehead once you’ve successfully pulled your hair back and secured the wig on your head. Even if some of you would choose to hide it beneath the wigs, it is vital. Otherwise, it will make your hair seem false and puffy. You don’t want that, though. Mark the extra, then begin cutting while holding your wigs in your hands.
Leave 1.5 inches from the roots and don’t cut all the way through. It will enable you to exactly position that wig.
Totally smother the natural hair.
After trimming the extra lace, smooth out all of your hairs so they won’t stick out of the wig. If they do, they most likely won’t match the color of your wig and will give you the false hair appearance. Before putting on the wig, it is advised to neatly bun all of your natural hair.
Baby hairs will be there to tease the majority of you, but don’t be concerned. Set them all down smoothly and gradually.
Mark the narrowest white line close to the scalp and wig lace area once all the hair has been settled. Now is the moment to remain hidden. You only need to apply a small amount of concealer on that thin white line. A brush and some concealer might work better than no concealer at all.
Use a face powder that is darker than the rest of your face on the area you covered with concealer to help it blend in.
Deal with the wig’s shine.
This approach is essential if you have a new wig or if your wig is still as glossy as new. A glossy hair wig can offer you a noticeable artificial appearance. So, unless you want that appearance on purpose, you must do this one. All you need to do is dust some baby powder on the gloss. And then brush it to remove all of the powder.
How to take care of a lace closure wig?
The care of a lace closure wig is comparable to that of any other style of wig. Use mild, sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner, and avoid using any alcohol-containing products.
Here are some suggestions for maintaining your lace closure wig:
To avoid tangles, gently comb your hair before shampooing.
To keep your hair moisturized and healthy, use a leave-in conditioner.
When shampooing, avoid rubbing the hair too aggressively. This can result in tangles.
When not in use, keep your wig on a wig stand or mannequin head.

The final word.
With a closure wig, you have a wide range of styling possibilities without risking damage to your own hair. A wig must constantly be styled and fitted, but maintaining it is even more essential. That much money shouldn’t be wasted after being used. As a result, you must treat it as you would your own hair.
Using a wide-tooth comb to untangle the wig is one of the best methods since it doesn’t damage the wig’s roots. In order to maintain their luster, wigs should also be cleaned and washed with the proper hair care products and clean water.