Would you, my friends, consider trying this unusual wig? Water wave wig are popular in the wig industry. It will be a wise decision and won’t let you down. We’ve recently been asked how to care for this premium wig by numerous friends who have recently purchased water wave wigs. They intend to use it for a very long time and believe it is deserving of attentive maintenance. So, in today’s blog, we’ll discuss some maintenance tips for water wave wigs in summer.

Steps to care for your water wave wigs:
1. Things to keep in mind when storing wigs
After cleaning, the water wave wig must be naturally dry before being stored. It should then be kept in a cool, dry location. When storing tools, it is advisable to use a wig or model head. If the instruments will be kept for a long time, wig mesh and silk wig bags are also ideal options.
2. Safety measures when combing your water wave wig
When combing your hair with water waves, you must use extreme caution. We advise against using a narrow-toothed comb because it could result in tangling and peeling. Wide-toothed combs are the best option, and professional wig combs have their roots in the sea as well. Remember to start at the top of the hair and brush softly down to the root when combing a wig, as you should with all wigs.

3. Safety measures to take when going
To make it easier for us to store our deep wavy wigs at night or after cleaning them, you can carry a wig box, wig rack, or wig bag with you when you travel.
When traveling, be careful to safeguard the wig. Avoid exposure and chlorine or salt water damage by not wearing a wig when swimming.
4. Avoid making touch with too much heat
All wigs are wary of high temperatures because high temperatures, such as those caused by hot water, exposure, hair dryers, heat styling equipment, etc. They can easily damage our water wave wigs.

5. Preserve the wig’s curl
If the water wave wig’s curl begins to loosen, we can use a curler to re curl the hair and preserve the curl, which will enhance the beauty of the wig. The tool can also be heated up, however please use the lowest temperature.